Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Velcro mode

This is a few days late, but I forgot to publish it. Enjoy.

I'm desperately trying to give the impression that I have managed perfectly while DH has been deployed. In my haste to clean the house, I was vacuuming. Really vacuuming. Using the attachments around the baseboards, and everything. Fang AKA Velcro baby sometimes has an uncontrollable urge to grab my legs and hold on for dear life. He generally gets hit with these urges when I am immersed in something that does not require giving him attention. Such as washing the dishes or vacuuming the hallway.

The dish washing tackles aren't so bad. I'm stationary, and have the support of the counter. However today, he was hit 'I must touch my mama now' urge while I was mindlessly vacuuming.

One minute I hear Satan and Fang loudly playing and singing. The next thing I know is that Fang has suddenly warped into Velcro mode and my legs are under attack.

I am slow.

He attacked.

I tripped.

I tried to brace myself and avoid landing on Fang all at the same time. Some how I managed to hit my foot into the door frame. It hurt. A lot. I cursed. A lot.

Fang laughed, clapped and said, "good job".

I wanted to laugh with him, but my foot was throbbing. I had to sit down. My pinky toe was no longer pointing in the same direction as my other 9 toes. It was bent to the side. And it hurt. I pushed my toe back to where it was meant to be. Then I cured some more. A lot more.

Now I have a lovely purple foot. That hurts like a bitch. It would have probably been less purple if I hadn't mowed the grass. Am I a dumbass or what?

Written 10-26-04 published 10-31-04.

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