Thursday, April 15, 2004

Survivor and hemorrhoids

Tonight is Survivor night. I so look forward to this each and every week. For I am a Survivor addict. I want Boston Rob to win. I hated him the first time, and his Boston accent annoys the hell out of me. This time around, I'm cheering him on. He cries like a girl, how sweet is that? He cried when Ambah had to go to the other tribe. He cried when he read his letter. He is such a girl, and I'm pretty sure he is half squirrel. This time around, he is playing the game like a pro.
I was very happy that Kathy the bitch was voted off. I hope Big Tom is next. Big Tom gives me the creeps, in a deliverance kind of way. I can picture him saying, "I'm gonna make you squeal like a pig."

My hemorrhoids were driving me insane tonight. Thoughts of child abuse were dancing through my head. I have told them on numerous occasions, "No jumping on the trampoline if it's wet because it is slippery, and someone will fall off and get hurt." So what do the little geniuses decided to do. Put the water hose on the trampoline, turn the water on full blast, and proceed to jump. I screamed at them, and made them go in the house. Much whining took place. I finally get everyone cleaned up, and I figure that a nice evening of TV watching was to be had.

Wrong. Tater and Satan were fighting like siblings. I asked them nicely to stop. I then told them to stop or else. Finally I yelled at them, and sent them to bed early. You would think they would listen at least some of the time.

Tomorrow, I shall inform them that they are grounded for the weekend. And that they will be eating left overs instead of pizza hut for dinner. Sucks to be them.

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