Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I'm a big girl now.

Today was an excellent day. I got an email from DH, that always puts me in a good mood. The sun was finally out which made the day warm and beautiful. The kidlets were well behaved. They ate their diner without complaint. They didn't fuss or argue with each other. Tater and Satan even cleaned up the mess they made.

Since they were behaving so well, I broke out the new sprinkler. Big mistake on my part. Our already saturated yard is now a mud hole. Other than that, it was an excellent day.
Earlier in the day, I took Satan and registered her for preschool. In her entire 3 1/2 years this has been her bestest day ever. Let me tell you the story.
Since the beginning of the school year, she has been begging to ride the school bus with Tater. Every morning I hear, "mommy, when can I go to school too?"
And every morning I say, "you can go to school when you're a big girl." Then much whining takes place and I have to hear "I not a baby, mommy."
Then today, the day Satan has eagerly waited for. We visit the school. She sees the class rooms, and meets some of the teachers. Sees some children napping. She is excited. Thrilled. The big goofy smile that she is wearing says it all. Suddenly a light bulb goes off, and Satan happily announces to one and all, "I'm a big girl now, YAY!"

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