Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Happy dance

It started off with me waking up late, and Tater missing the bus. Which generally means the day will only go down hill from there. Never fear, we managed to somehow get Tater to school on time.

From there, we dropped off a van full of stuff at Goodwill. Went to the farmers market. I bought watermelon, cantaloupe, pluots and zucchini. You may be asking what the hell are pluots? Well, according to this they are a cross between an apricot and a plum. I've never had a pluot before, but the old farmer said, "they is deeelishus." heh

From there we went to the post office. FYI post office = hell. I stood in line for fucking ever with a large heavy box and two antsy children. All the while, I'm trying to not lose the customs slip. Which I did lose, and then had to fill out another one. Finally, it's my turn. I'm slowly heading toward the counter where the ever friendly postal worker eagerly awaits. I am giddy and over come with a feeling of glee because my time in hell is drawing to a close. Sadly, that feeling was short lived because I then tripped over my big heavy box. The big heavy box that I had put on the floor because my arms were breaking under the weight of Frito's and p0rn.

After my graceful floor routine, we headed to Walmart. I was in nice mommy mode and bought the starving kidlets breakfast at McDonald's. Yuck! Then bought some much needed groceries. On the way back home stopped at the bank, and the gas station.

I was so amazed at my ability to do things today, that I did a happy dance.

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