Saturday, June 19, 2004

I ended my day with Fox news.

I made some very yummy Dreamsicle cookies. Thank you snap-ah for the recipe. I am now addicted. This time I made them with dark chocolate chips. Yummy!

Thanks to Roni's advice. I hung plastic bad filled with water on my patio to keep the flies away.

I watched Geraldo. No, really I did, but I had a good reason. It was live from Camp Cook in Taji, Iraq. That's where DH is. And it was with DH's unit on the show. How could I not watch that? I knew DH wouldn't be on, and he wasn't. I figured he would find a way to get out of it. He did, get out of it that is. He wanted to work instead. He has camera issues.

I was going to add a link about Camp Cook, but after looking at the 5th or 6th obituary page. I stopped looking for a decent link. Such a terrible tragedy this has became. Enough of that. Happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts!

Back to my story. Satan was so excited. She wanted to see her daddy on TV. She thinks that any one in an Army uniform is her daddy. Literally anyone. Our conversation went like this.

Satan- Look, mommy that's my daddy.
me- No, that's not your daddy.
Satan-Ummmm, that is my daddy.
me-No, that is a woman.
Satan- Mommy, yes. That one is my daddy.
me- I give up. I will agree that that woman is your daddy, if you promise to be quite.
Satan- Mommy, you so crazy. My daddy's not a girl.

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