Sunday, August 22, 2004

My weekend

I finally figured out how to work the theme editor. As you can see, I've been having fun with that.

I watched Big Brother 5. Which brings me to. How can you tell if you are a good kisser or not? Doesn't another person have to be the judge of that? Apparently not, if your Drew or Diane. They both claim to be good kissers. Yet they each claim the other one is not a good kisser.

The fucktard called me. In the middle of the night, no less. Was he concerned with my well being? No. Did he call to tell me that he missed my smiling face? No. Did he call because he was having a crisis and just needed a shoulder to cry on? No. He called because he has my phone number. He was bored, and if he called anyone else that he knows. The live close enough to kick his ass. I however, live several states away.

I won't complain too much. It did give me a good laugh. Him with his girly voice, begging for attention.

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