Monday, May 17, 2004

Wake up sleeping beauty

I should know better, but I obviously don't. I keep leaving the cell phone in the diaper bag. And leaving the diaper bag on the floor. When this happens Fang, whom I am seriously considering switching his name to Hawkeye, spots the out of place diaper bag. He begins to rummage through it looking for raisins or animal crackers. But on two occasions now he has gotten extra lucky and found the cell phone. Both times he has managed to place a long distance call to my bestest friend CJ at the butt crack of dawn.

I am using this as proof that he is indeed a baby genius. LOL

What really makes this funny is both times my phone rings. Using my grouchy, why are you calling me at this hour voice, I say "hello".

But what I am really thinking is, "who in the hell has the nerve to call me, at the butt crack of dawn? On a Saturday morning?"

Then CJ using her grouchy why did you call me at the butt crack of dawn voice answers , "Is one of your children playing with your cell phone? Because someone just called and woke me up at the butt crack of dawn, and your name is on my caller ID."

It's a good thing CJ loves me, or she would be flying out here just to kick my ass. Instead she is coming just to visit. I can't wait!

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