Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Lunch was delicious.

I am a procrastinator. Because of this, I have yet to buy Tater a lunch box. I have also not purchased paper lunch bags, sandwich bags, drinks, snacks or anything else that can possibly be taken to school for lunch. Since I'm such a softie, I couldn't stand to see one of my children starve. So I gave Tater lunch money. Panic. Where is the menu? We do not have a menu. Panic! Pace. Mumble. "What if they serve something that I hate? What if they serve some kind of weird food that I won't eat? What if they make me drink something gross, like *gasp* diet Coke?" LOL

He worries far too much. I assured him that he would not be forced to drink diet Coke. And that lunch would most likely be something that he likes. After school on Monday, lunch wasn't discussed. He did assure me that he didn't starve between breakfast and lunch. He was worried that he would have to eat lunch later in the day which would cause him to come close to starving. This is why I was shocked when he came home yesterday. As soon as he walked in the door. He immediately started telling me how deliciously wonderful lunch was. He had a cheese burger with ketchup, some fries and a chocolate milk. I was informed that is wasn't just any cheese burger, "Mom, it was delicious, better even than the ones that you make with the buns that have seeds on them."

It has been a while since I was in school. But I can clearly remember how deliciously wonderful school lunches were not. So I'm asking, is this a sign that school lunches have improved, or a sign that my child has been far too sheltered from the wonders of processed food?

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