Why are my beloved forums not here for me? I need them to entertain me and keep me busy. Without that distraction, I get into trouble. Big trouble. I was bad, very bad.
Credit cards and boredom do not mix.
The forum free day started out innocently enough. I played Literati. Yeah, I know what your thinking. Why would a spelling impaired girl like myself, play a scrabble game? Why!? Surely she must always lose. I will have you know that sometimes I win. Not often, but sometimes.
When I tired of playing, I read blogs. Lots of blogs. I made comments in blogs. I cursed. I read to the kidlets. I checked the forums again. Then I cursed again. This is where I had a stroke of genius, shopping was what I needed. Lot's of internet, don't leave your house, sit on your ass shopping. So I shopped. I spent money. Too much money. But on the bright side, my house will smell fruity, and I will be wearing some very cool shoes. While I turn my huge collection of photos into DVD slide shows.
I even bought something for DH, but SHHH! it's a surprise. ;)