School is going. I'm not taking a lot of classes or even stressful classes, but it's still hard. Why didn't I do think when I was fresh out of high school and with out children?
I am loving the kids lately. The wee one cracks me up every single day. He is so filled with wisdom. The kind of wisdom that you can only get from going to Kindergarten. For example, the other day as we were walking back from the elementary school, he said, "I look like a big kid now. Because I have this cool jacket and this backpack." Then he happily skipped into the house.
Right now he is dancing/karateing and asking me deep meaningful questions. When I answer incorrectly he gives the correct answer. Here are a few:
What is cat hair made out of? Cat hair.
What happens when you jump into a volcano? You get burned up with lava, and turn into a fairy. Some people say you go to Jesus world, but fairy world is more funner.
Do you remember when you were a little kid? Because I remember when you were a little kid and you had long hair. I liked you better then.
Know how to play the tired game? Don't go to sleep when it's bed time.