Thursday, November 20, 2008

Big boy

School is going. I'm not taking a lot of classes or even stressful classes, but it's still hard. Why didn't I do think when I was fresh out of high school and with out children?

I am loving the kids lately. The wee one cracks me up every single day. He is so filled with wisdom. The kind of wisdom that you can only get from going to Kindergarten. For example, the other day as we were walking back from the elementary school, he said, "I look like a big kid now. Because I have this cool jacket and this backpack." Then he happily skipped into the house.

Right now he is dancing/karateing and asking me deep meaningful questions. When I answer incorrectly he gives the correct answer. Here are a few:

What is cat hair made out of? Cat hair.

What happens when you jump into a volcano? You get burned up with lava, and turn into a fairy. Some people say you go to Jesus world, but fairy world is more funner.

Do you remember when you were a little kid? Because I remember when you were a little kid and you had long hair. I liked you better then.

Know how to play the tired game? Don't go to sleep when it's bed time.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Christian bigots

So the school where I went to elementary school closed after my 8th grade year. Anyway, this Oct there is going to be a reunion. All the students that ever attended are welcome. I am honestly looking forward to seeing some of the people that I haven't see in years. However, there are a few people whom I wish wouldn't bother to show up. :/

There is one student in particular. She was in my class, and as it turns out she is a bigot of epic proportions. How do I know this, since she lives in NC? A website has been started so all students can post old year book pictures and just reminisce and catch up. Sounds wonderful doesn't it?

Bigot (I don't want to use her real name), started off posting some bull shit poem about not voting for Obama. Ya know, if he isn't who you want to vote for then by all means don't vote for him. However, if you aren't going to vote for him, base it on actual facts not on some bullshit clips you've caught on fox news. Her poem went on to say that if Obama gains the presidency we will all be in living in poverty (clearly she is well versed on politics). Oh, and she wishes that Obama were a tree, and her a dog so that she could pee on him. How nice and classy is that? And from someone that goes to great lengths to tell you how much of a Christian she is? Even better. Right?

Before all this transpired, I had added her as my facebook friend. FTR I am incredibly nosey. If you are my facebook friend, and you add pictures, I will look at them, and comment accordingly. So bigot posted many, many pictures of her new house that her and her hubby are building. It is a nice house. I was admiring their handiwork when I came upon a picture of a huge stove. Bigot so smartly tagged the pic with "Big 700 gallon water stove. We are converting to waste oil, solor wood burning for heat instead of paying the towel head for their "precious" oil! Waste oil, solar and wood are FREE!"

That is right. She actually used the words towel head. Right after espousing her fine Christian virtues and morals. I'm thinking that this reunion is going to make for a long night.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Numero tres

One day, and three new blog enteries. I must be on a roll. Or something. I was just reading over my past enteries, and it made me sad. Those were the worst times, yet those were the best times. That's me quoting something; I'm not sure what.

In keeping with my past that I had forgotten about, I leave you with this.

"Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter." --George W. Bush, in parting words to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and French President Nicolas Sarkozy at his final G-8 Summit, punching the air and grinning widely as the two leaders looked on in shock, Rusutsu, Japan, July 10, 2008

P.S. Oh, and since I've recently been reunited, kinda, sorta with my dear friend Eddie. I will post a link to his myspace page. He has moved to Nashville, and hopes to make it big. I wish him the best, and hope that he does in fact make it big. Just so I can say I know someone famous. ;)
Now. Go and send Eddie some love.

Heathen Chick? Yep, that's me.

In case you didn't already know, I am, in fact, a godless heathen. You can hate me if you want, but I don't give a shit about that. So, you would just be wasting endless amounts of energy for no good reason.

Anyway, the super fabulous news is that I found a local atheist group. They are Heathen Chicks. Isn't that a super fabulous name? I'm going to my first meeting next week. I'm all kinds of excited and giggly like a school girl going to her first dance. This should be fun.

Is it wrong of me to wish that some of them are mothers that are more ambitious than myself? Because I want badly to convince someone that isn't me, to start a local chapter of Earth Scouts so my two littlest heathens can attend.

PS3 love story

DH bought himself a fancy new PS3. Along with that, he bought Metal Gear Solid 4. Now, there are not just one love story, but two taking place right now in my living room. DH has mad, to the point of drooling, love for his PS3. While, I sit here cracking up at love story plot line going on in MGS 4. Since when did manly shoot 'em up video games have romantic plot lines?

Want to know what my present was? Sure you do. I am now the proud owner of some fancy new red chairs. They pretty up the living room so nicely. DH said that they were fabulous, but I've noticed he never sit in either chair. Unlike a good wife, I'm not much concerned with his dislike of my chairs, because I love them. Despite the fact that the sit higher than a normal chair would due to all the extra cushiness. Hence the reason I call them my cushy thrones. Since I am queen of the world, they are exactly what I needed.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Your mom goes to college

Where have I been? Here, there and every where. Things in KY did not work out. Shocking, I know. Shawn took a job recruiting for the National Guard in Ohio. So we now live in OH. I'm in school. Full time. Yay! It's hard, but I'm loving every minute of it.

My kidlets are growing up way too fast. Tater is 14, and will be going to high school in the fall. Satan is now seven, and cute as can be with her two font teeth missing. Fang is now five, but is still my baby boy. It's hardest to watch him grow up. Knowing that he is my last, I want to keep him tiny forever. Plus, in his eyes, I am still the most amazing person in the world. I'm not quite ready to give that role up.